Tuesday 12 May 2009

Research Proposal 3

This will be the last entry of my academic blog until the end of May. I think I will not have a time to write anything down. I did my initial research according to my topic. I chose my methodology. I only need to write them. Maybe this is the easy part of this journey. As I state in the beginning, In addition to captain's log. We have only one day to escape from this planet.

Research Proposal 2

I found more or less 20 articles about my topic this weekend but it is so difficult to search the literature. I know that I should do my initial research beforehand but I could not find time to study for research Proposal after Easter Holiday. By the end of Sunday Night I completed 1250 words which comprise the introduction and the background of the European Capital of Culture City events. I started to read articles. I am also worrying about my methodology. I know that we have only 38 hours to complete this assignment. Hopefully I will be happy at the end of these 38 hours.

Monday 11 May 2009

Research Proposal 1

I started to prepare the literature review of my Dissertation topic. I am struggling to find relevant literature according to my topic. There is not much information about the European culture of capital City event. Every city has own websites but the event does not have its own website. I am thinking to explain this situation as a benefit form y research but it seems to me really difficult.

I try to collect 20 relevant journals which include the mega events, the socio cultural outcomes and The European capital of culture city event.

I found a journal form Google scholarship. “The European Cultural Capital Event: Strategic Weapon in the Cultural Arms Race?” the journal looks like beneficial form e because the main discussion is how the ECOC events changed to tourism tool.

Hopefully I will manage to find more information and improve my dissertation proposal in these last few days.

Friday 20 March 2009

Formative Initial Research Proposal

I took Franc’s advices, he offered me to focus on just about Istanbul and search the outcomes of the European Capital of Culture City Event. One of the reasons he suggested that research because it may be so difficult for me to do primary research in Liverpool and the second reason was Istanbul has lots of opportunities to search about. So I changed my mind and decided to look for outcomes and expectations of Istanbul 2010 Event and I think I could compare the previous Culture capital cities in my conclusion part. Therefore while I was preparing my Formative Initial Research Proposal, I modified my primary idea and I changed my methodology that I declared in first formative assignment. Consequently I will use Hybrid Approach. With that Approach I can use both methods (quantitative and qualitative) and I can ask questions to residents of Istanbul and interview with key people such as politicians, business people and artists.

Saturday 14 March 2009

Topic Analysis Presentation

I prepared my topic about European Capital of Culture City Event. I started my presentation by describing the European Capital of Culture City and than I explained why do I want to choose this topic. My reasons were generally related with future career plans and the importance of the event for Istanbul. My topic is: The Effects of European Cultural Capital Event in Socio-cultural Development. After the presentation, James told me that my topic looks like good enough for first stage but Elizabeth asked me a important question that how am I going to do my research? My answer was a kind of case study which contains questionnaire, interviews and secondary research. Subsequently I understood that it is not easy to prepare it and before the “Formative Initial Research Proposal”, I decided to take Franc’s advices because I know that he is interest in quantitative methods.

Tuesday 10 March 2009

Current Issues!

I do not have any idea of current and unique events even in London. We have a lecture which is so called ‘current’, contemporary, prevalent, present, recent, popular... It looks like so theoretical and everyone can reach that information from internet or textbooks. University should present other teaching opportunities. For instance, lecturers can prepare audio visual documentaries about current event issues instead of showing power point slides.

Cinema and Future Shorts are my much-loved events so far. I take in part the previous event at Shepherds Bush Empire, London. It was incredible. I can define it as combination of cinema, event and performance. To Follow it: http://www.secretcinema.org/

Tuesday 3 March 2009

European Capital of Culture City

While I was in Istanbul, I realized that there were lots of advertisements about European capital of culture city event. Istanbul is going to be the host city in 2010 and lots of my friends recommend me to choose European Capital of Culture City Event as a topic for my dissertation. I thought that it could be a good idea. As I will be in Istanbul after May, 2009 I may easily reach large numbers of information and collect my research data. Here is the official website of Istanbul 2010. (http://www.istanbul2010.org/en/) At least, I could prepare my dissertation about my favourite city of the world. ‘ISTANBUL’

Monday 2 March 2009

‘What a silly’ conception non-profit

Actually I want to prepare my dissertation about art or underground events. I do not like our MA programme viewpoint about event industries. However I comprehend that it is really difficult to research about underground art events in this programme such as the cans festival. (http://www.thecansfestival.com/ )

My four months experiences and reflections in the University of Greenwich show that commonly mega events such as Olympics are significant for lecturers. I do not agree this viewpoint. “Events = Money” It is not my favourite equation. Additionally this credit squeeze indicates that world of business require to changing because the economical system commenced to consume them self. Hopefully next decades, the history will be recurrence consequently ‘Event Managers’ may prepare Events and Festivals for public instead of business front.

Sunday 1 March 2009

First steps...

In the beginning of the first term, I was thinking to choose a dissertation topic. I was considering the events industry in Turkey therefore my primary topic idea was art sponsorships. There is a different event business situation in Istanbul. Generally the Banks are the main sponsors of art galleries and event venues. My favourite one is Aksanat. This is sponsored by Akbank. Akbank is one of the biggest banks of Turkey and it means White/clean bank in Turkish and Aksanat means White/clean art. Readers can find more information from their official website. (http://www.akbanksanat.com/ ) My questions could be why the Turkish banks support arts and events in Turkey? And what are the differences between United Kingdom and Turkey in terms of Art Sponsorships. Is it beneficial to open an event venue instead of sponsoring an event venue?

When I returned back to Istanbul in Christmas holiday, I started to search about Art and event venues. My initial research indicates that Turkish banks have some benefits from government when they invest art business. Even this could be good topic but I thought that my topic will be related with law and finance more than event and art so I started to search for another topic.

Friday 27 February 2009

My Blog

Almost five months that I was struggling to write down something about my dissertation. Today I changed the templates of my blog and I edited the gadgets.

Wednesday 15 October 2008

Star Trek Times

in addition to captain's log. we found a undiscovered and dangerous planet which is called blogspot. Aliens want us to write a blog 3 times per a term. I will talk about that with spock to sort it out.