Monday 11 May 2009

Research Proposal 1

I started to prepare the literature review of my Dissertation topic. I am struggling to find relevant literature according to my topic. There is not much information about the European culture of capital City event. Every city has own websites but the event does not have its own website. I am thinking to explain this situation as a benefit form y research but it seems to me really difficult.

I try to collect 20 relevant journals which include the mega events, the socio cultural outcomes and The European capital of culture city event.

I found a journal form Google scholarship. “The European Cultural Capital Event: Strategic Weapon in the Cultural Arms Race?” the journal looks like beneficial form e because the main discussion is how the ECOC events changed to tourism tool.

Hopefully I will manage to find more information and improve my dissertation proposal in these last few days.


Bronwyn said...

Hey Melik I have come across some stuff on that in my research. Have a look up of Beatriz Garcia.

2 articles;

'Urban Regeneration, Arts Programming and Major Events' (2004) in International Journal of Cultural Policy


'Cultural Policy and Urban Regeneration in Western European Cities: Lessons from Experience, Prospects for the Future' (2004) in Local Economy

both mention European Capital of Culture.

Hope it's useful to you. Good luck. xxx

Bronwyn said...

Oh, also check out the book

Cultural Policy and Urban Regeneration: The Western European Experience.

edited by Franco Bianchini (useful author for you maybe too) and Michael Parkinson

you should be able to access it online via google scholar, that's where I got it and I think there might be a few relevant chapters in there.
